Maintaining strong defenses is essential to be well protected against all kinds of diseases. However, with age and bad habits, it is normal for these defenses to be diminished. Today, we will [...]
Winter is a complicated time for health, because it is when our defenses are at its lowest and all kinds of viruses can attack us more easily. Therefore, today, we bring you an article with tips [...]
«Nerve cells do not regenerate.» We have heard this expression many times and are used to believing it. Even in the late 20th century, scientists believed that the human brain was static. It was [...]
Is theres a relationship between Alzheimer’s and Parkisnon´s and depression. Although many people do not feel theres is a relationship, statistics and numbers show us otherwise. We will [...]
Due to the increasing lack of medical care and the economy, it is worth considering what led to such a catastrophe? And why did Homo sapiens a few hundred years ago hunt tigers and now cannot [...]