Medication and its effects on our sexual life
In which way effects medication on our sexual life?
Although many patients do not know it, the intake of certain medications could be the reasonfor an underactive sexual life or some discomforts that limit the normal, natural enjoyment of intimacy.
According to several studies, at least one in four cases of sexual dysfunction is due to the consumption of specific medicines, which limit the libido or impair sexual life.
The effects caused by medications with a higher consumption rate can be diverse; loss of sexual appetite (libido), reduced vaginal lubrication, difficulty reaching orgasm or problems with achieving arousal.
In the case of women some side effects could be pain due to vaginal dryness, men usually have failures to maintain erection or simply achieve it.
In general, we talk about antidepressant treatments as the first causes of problems in sexual life, but there is a list that is worth considering:
- Over- the – counter antihistamines and decongestants.
- Hormonal disorders.
- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine.
- H2 blockers, used to treat reflux and ulcers.
- Anticonvulsants used to control epileptic seizures.
- Medicines to treat Parkinson’
- Depression, anxiety and other mental illnesses.
Now, what should be done if your experience episode prevents you from enjoying sexual activity? In case of any situation that is different in theses circumstances, it is important to consult freely with the doctor in charge of your treatment about the problems you are presenting, to determine what the inconvenience is.
Of course, it is not advised to take another medication to solve the difficulty, or to stop taking the treatment recommended by the specialist, without first asking his opinion. As a patient it is essential to maintain good communication with the specialist in charge of your case, in order to reduce the side effects.
A few things that may be considered are for instance;
- Replace it with another medication that will not cause this side effects.
- Modify the dose of the medication.
- Use an alternative, non-medical method to eliminate the problem
There are medicines that impact the sexual life of the patient negatively. For this reason, in many cases the application of an alternative treatment is suggested that in addition to reduce the symptoms, helps to reduce the consumption of medicine, which is considered as a recovery of the quality of life.
This is the case with patients who have neurological diseases, such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s, who must take treatments, that have side effects that impair their sexual life. If you undergo AuricularImplantology, considered one of the most effective alternative therapies, you can surely lower the dose of medication and have a stable, normal sex life again.
In general, the effects that medication can have on a patient’s privacy are multiple. Statins and fibrates are said to interfere with the production of (among others) estrogens and testosterones.
Hypertensives cause a decrease in blood and because of this patients suffer from difficulties in erection and vaginal dryness.
On the other hand, antidepressants could also cause sexual problems because they usually block three function-related chemicals, which are serotonin, acetylcholine and norepinephrine. While benzodiazepines block testosterone and cause decreased orgasms, erectile dysfunction, pain in sexual intercourse and ejaculation problems.
It is never enjoyable to experience side effects linked to taking medication, but when they start affecting the sex life, the patient’s intimacy and the relationship, it is completely normal to feel disconcerted.
The fact of suffering from a disease does not mean that you have to completely sacrifice your quality of sexual life, because there are always alternatives such as Auricular Implantology whose benefit is that the patient can feel better and continue to enjoy intimacy. Permanent Auriculotherapy is a technique based on acupuncture. Small titanium needles are implanted under the skin and in the cartilage of the ear. The microimplants stimulate like this in a natural way the nerve endings.
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