Neurodegenerative Diseases Assessments
The auricular acupuncture therapy with the Permanent Needle, applied in the treatment of patients with other neurodegenerative diseases, is used by the Neuroregenerative Medicine Center to improve the patien’s quality of life and alleviate certain symptoms of their disorders.
The Permanent Needle may also be applicable to:
Huntington’s disease
Degenerative and hereditary neurological disease. The auriculopuncture with permanent implants can improve the symptomatology but this result can not be guaranteed in every patient’s case.
Friedreich’s Ataxia
Autosomal, recessive disease that affects chromosome 9 and 11 causing atrophy of the cerebellum and dorsal spinal ganglia. The auriculopuncture could improve some of the multiple alterations and discomfort the patients suffer from.
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As soon as we can we will get in touch we can arrange your visit to our clinic in Valencia, Spain. If you prefer, you can also call us at +34 96 351 66 80