We can find different therapies in the treatment for Parkinson’s and other Neurodegenerative diseases with which we can improve the daily life of our patients. One of them is physiotherapy.
Physiotherapy is a branch of the health sciences that is dedicated to the assessment of affected structures and their treatment through therapeutic exercise and physical agents such as heat, cold, light, water, massage, etc.
The main objective of physiotherapy is to develop, maintain and restore to the maximum the functional capacities of people throughout their life so that they can develop a normal functional activity.
The functions of physiotherapy cover a multitude of different pathologies and affectations of the human being, among them are:
- Traumatological affectations: sprains, fractures, contractures, fibrillar tears, ligamentous or meniscal injuries ….
- Osteomuscular disorders: herniated discs, lumbago, …
- Inflammatory effects: tendonitis, bursitis, fasciitis, …
- Sports injuries: recovery of athletes, physical conditioning, return to training and competition, …
- Rheumatological disorders: osteoarthritis, arthritis, …
- Neurological effects: infantile cerebral palsy, hemiplegia, neuralgia, degenerative diseases of the nervous system, …
- Circulatory disorders: varicose veins, lymphedemas, …
- Pelvic floor disorders: preparation for childbirth, postpartum reeducation, urinary incontinence, …
- Affectations of the geriatric person: osteomuscular degenerative diseases, prolonged immobilizations, …
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Likewise, physiotherapy is not only focused on addressing the aforementioned affectations, but also promotes health through preventive treatments to maintain and achieve an adequate level of health and quality of life. Thus, it can improve the quality of life of patients receiving treatment for Parkinson’s or other neurodegenerative diseases.
Neurodegenerative diseases
There are many illnesses that can be treated with the permanent needle such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and others.
Physiotherapy and neuropsychology are some of the basic treatments to help improve the quality of life of patients by considerably alleviating the symptoms of these types of diseases and this is an important way to reduce the pharmacological treatment.
The main objective of Physiotherapy in the treatment of Parkinson’s or other Neurodegenerative diseases is undoubtedly to improve the quality of life and maintain the highest degree of independence possible. For this, we work on:
- Improve the conditions of patients to carry out their activities of daily life.
- To alleviate the pain of patients to the maximum.
- Improve the physical capabilities of patients.
- Improve the psychological state of patients by promoting appropriate physical activity and performing exercises.
- Improve posture on those affected.
Treatment for Parkinson’s – Care in Parkinson’s disease
Do you know what the tools are to be healthier ? What do you know about caring for others? And to take care of yourself?
In addition to receiving a Treatment for Parkinson’s or another neurodegenerative disease, it is important to take care of yourself in the following points:
Posture, in the treatment for Parkinson’s and other Neurodegenerative diseases
Maintaining good posture. Our postures helps us prevent symptoms associated with Parkinson’s, such as muscle shortening and postural deformities.
Gymnastics in the treatment for Parkinson’s
Do you like to stay active with a good physical condition despite the illness? Daily physical work is essential to maintain a good state of health and reduce the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease along with the degenerations of the illness. Learning simple exercises will help you feel better and stay active and independent in your daily life.
March and balance in the treatment for Parkinson’s and other neurodegenerative diseases
Do you have problems controlling your legs when walking and standing?
Weight and balance training is especially important in Parkinson’s to maintain an independent life and prevent falls. We will carry out a program with specific exercises to control our position and walk correctly.
Relaxation in Parkinson’s Treatment
Through breathing exercises, meditation and a series of self-stretches we will learn to relax and find our inner peace again. These tools will also serve as tools to share the stress suffered by the pathology during our daily life
Call for an appointment now, or if you prefer we will call you!
As soon as we can we will get in touch we can arrange your visit to our clinic in Valencia, Spain. If you prefer, you can also call us at +34 96 351 66 80