Traditional acupuncture

Traditional  acupuncture is also used in our center. The World Health Organization (WHO) indicates the possibility of applying acupuncture in the treatment of certain conditions such as lumbago, gastritis, tension headaches, insomnia, migraine, bruxism, stress, tendinitis, irritable bowel and constipation, among others.

Acupuncture is included in a wider group of therapies included in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). In acupuncture, certain points located on the body surface are stimulated by means of needles in order to modify the circulation of energy in the meridians of the organism.

The modification of the energy circulating through these meridians has therapeutic effects, understanding that the alteration of normal energy flows is the cause of the diseases and disorders that acupuncture tries to correct and, more broadly, TCM.

In our center, acupuncture treatments are performed by an acupuncturist doctor accredited by the Official College of Physicians of Valencia.

If you have any health disorder and you want us to evaluate the possibilities of improvement with acupuncture, do not hesitate to consult with our doctor.

tratamiento acupuntura tradicional

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As soon as we can we will get in touch we can arrange your visit to our clinic in Valencia, Spain. If you prefer, you can also call us at +34 96 351 66 80


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